Subscription Form KPMG

KPMG Bond scheme 2023

Dear participant,

Thank you for your interest in purchasing KPMG Bonds!

The Bond scheme allows KPMG employees to purchase Bonds in KPMG.

You can register from December 18th 2023 until January 19th 2024.

Each Bond has a nominal value of EUR 1.000,-. The minimum subscription amount is one bond.

Please note that the maximum amount you may invest via the KPMG Bonds Program  is equal to five times your gross monthly salary preceding the subscription period.

The maximum amount of Bonds that an eligible employee may hold at any time is EUR 50.000,-.

Please use a KPMG e-mail address and your KPMG employee number for this subscription.

By sending this form you submit an order to buy KPMG Bonds.